system environment/daemons

nginx - Robust, small and high performance http and reverse proxy server

License: BSD
Vendor: 21TORR GmbH
Nginx [engine x] is an HTTP(S) server, HTTP(S) reverse proxy and IMAP/POP3
proxy server written by Igor Sysoev.

One third party module, nginx-upstream-fair, has been added.


nginx-1.11.4-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [1.6 MiB] Changelog by Holger Meissner (2016-09-22):
- update to Mainline 1.11.4
- compile with OpenSSL 1.0.2i
nginx-1.11.3-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [1.6 MiB] Changelog by Holger Meissner (2016-07-27):
- update to Mainline 1.11.3
- add config options from nginx mainline version
- compile with OpenSSL 1.0.2h
- Add TLS Dynamic Record Resizing
- add spdy & http2 support patch nginx-1.9.15-spdy.patch
- added geoip_module
- added file-aio
- update ngx_cache_purge V2.3
nginx-1.5.12-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [529 KiB] Changelog by Mike Bretz (2014-04-08):
- update to Mainline 1.5.12
- Security fix for CVE-2014-0160
- Changelog:
nginx-1.2.9-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [495 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2013-05-15):
- update to Legacy Release 1.2.9
- fix for CVE-2013-2070
nginx-1.2.7-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [494 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2013-03-27):
- update to Stable Release 1.2.7
- update ngx_cache_purge V2.1
- Changelog:
nginx-1.2.6-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [491 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2013-02-05):
- update to Stables Release 1.2.6
- updated ngx_cache_purge V2.0
nginx-1.2.1-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [486 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2012-06-18):
- update to Stables Release 1.2.1
- various bugfixes
nginx-1.1.1-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [464 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2011-08-29):
- update to new dev Version 1.1.1
nginx-1.0.4-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [461 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2011-06-15):
- update to new upstream stable branch 1.0.x
nginx-0.9.3-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [457 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-12-14):
- update to new upstream stable branch 0.9
nginx-0.8.54-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [456 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-12-14):
- update to 0.8.54
nginx-0.8.53-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [456 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-10-26):
- update to 0.8.53
nginx-0.8.52-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [456 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-10-06):
- update to 0.8.52
nginx-0.8.50-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [456 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-09-13):
- update to 0.8.50
nginx-0.8.49-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [455 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-08-10):
- update to 0.8.49
nginx-0.8.47-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [454 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-07-29):
- update to 0.8.47
nginx-0.8.39-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [442 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-06-01):
- update to 0.8.39
nginx-0.8.38-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [442 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-05-25):
- update to 0.8.38
nginx-0.8.34-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [440 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-03-15):
- update to 0.8.34
nginx-0.7.67-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [437 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-08-10):
- update to 0.7.67
nginx-0.7.65-1.el5.21torr.x86_64 [435 KiB] Changelog by Andreas Schrogl (2010-03-08):
- update to 0.7.65
nginx-0.7.64-1.x86_64 [433 KiB] Changelog by Jeremy Hinegardner (2009-09-14):
- update to 0.6.39
- fixes CVE-2009-2629

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6